These are some awesome resources we recommend to all parents! Click on each image below to access the resource.


Dr. Kelly teaches people emotional intelligence skills so that they don't have to be dependent on doctors and therapists in order to be happy, healthy, and free.


How to Raise Well-Behaved Kids Without Yelling, Shaming, or Time-Outs? A free class for frustrated exhausted overwhelmed parents. 

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 Helping You Overcome Your PARENTING CHALLENGES

You will find a new way of showing up for yourself and your child. Parenting has always been hard work but is now more challenging than ever as a result of today’s chaotic, stressed-filled, and technology-driven society.

Get started on transformative change in your family.


It is our mission to EMPOWER KIDS with social and emotional skills through play and movement and to help parents prepare them for the future while creating a strong, loving, and joyful family bond.


You're on a parenting detour without a map. You're heartbroken and devastated. The dreams you had for your family are no longer possible. A child is gone, and another child needs you, but you don't know how to be there for them. Nothing is as it was. How can you be the parent your child needs?


Meet Dinalynn Rosenbush a Speaker Parenting & Life Coach,

Dinalynn helps parents communicate more effectively with their children.  After nearly 3 decades working in the school systems as a Speech Language Pathologist and raising her own children as a single parent, she gained wisdom and skills in connecting to the heart of a child and understanding how children communicate. She shares her insights in order to empower all parents to connect, communicate, and celebrate together! 


Help people realize their highest communication potential through a multi-modality approach by discovering and cultivating their strengths, targeting functional outcomes, and developing a comprehensive team-centered foundation.


Jack’s Basket is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with a mission to celebrate babies with Down syndrome. We strive to ensure that every new and expectant parent is provided resources and avenues of support within the community. We aim to equip medical providers with tools to discuss the diagnosis in an unbiased way in hopes that having a baby with Down syndrome is celebrated like any other.


Through her podcast, membership community, course, and 1:1 Homeschool Strategy Sessions, Katie teaches families how to reduce stress and cultivate deeply rooted joy in home life, despite the stress and chaos special needs life can create.
Learn more about how Katie teaches moms to build and run a successful and joyful home.