Jaci Finneman
Phone: 320-267-0946
Email: jaci@noproblemparents.com
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For Immediate Release
CONTACT: Jaci Finneman, President, Parent Coach, No-Problem Parenting, Hello World, LLC
Cell phone: 320-267-0946
Email: jaci@helloworldmn.com
Website: https://www.noproblemparents.com/
Video No-Problem Parenting Promo: https://youtu.be/_azC9SieOKg (1 minute: 25 seconds)
Facebook: www.facebook.com/noproblemparents
Instagram: www.instagram.com/noproblemparents
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaci-finneman
Looking to improve your parenting skills? Listen to these experts
Raise your kids with more confidence and less fear
St. Augusta, MN — Parenting has become harder than ever. Combine the pandemic, extreme anxiety, cell phones, and social media, and many parents are at a complete loss for what to do next and fearful of making mistakes. To help, parent coach and President of No-Problem Parenting, Jaci Finneman created the book, No-Problem Parenting; Raising Your Kiddos with More Confidence and Less Fear. The book features 21 authors who share how they are helping parents and kids become confident and kick fear to the curb.
“How do you parent with confidence when problems trigger uncertainty and fear? Insecure parents hover over, give in and feel sorry for their children,” says Finneman. “I designed my book to show parents how it is possible to be the expert of their child while accessing outside support from niched experts who understand the vital role of parents in their child’s lives. This book will inspire parents and provide education and a new perspective that will have parents feeling confident in areas of parenting where they otherwise felt insecure.”
Many parents ask Finneman, “Why isn’t my parenting working”? She suggests that the answer is often one of three things:
1) You’re being too nice.
2) You’re being too mean.
3) You’re trying to solve a problem that you’re not skilled at and attempting to go it alone.
Finneman hopes that her book also helps those who unexpectantly become a parent or accept the responsibility of caring for a child that needs a parent, to address worry and doubt. Learn more at www.noproblemparents.com.